
DUDIKO / DUKO / DIKO:     Durchmesser / Längen- und

                                           Dickensortieranlagen für Tabletten,

                                           Dragees, Hart- und

                                           Weichgelatinekapseln - weiter


                                           Diameter / length and thickness sorters

                                           for tablet, dragees, hard and soft

                                           gelatine capsules - more






SORTLIFT:                         Kombinierte Systeme für Sortierung

                                           und Förderung von Tabletten in

                                           nachgeschaltete Verpackungslinien - weiter


                                          Combined sorting and feeding devices to
                                          feed product into after switched packaging lines



FEEDLIFT:                          Fördersysteme für Tabletten in
                                           nachgeschaltete Verpackungslinien



                                          Feeding devices to feed product into

                                          after switched packaging lines




WEKOA B1:                        Manuelle Systeme zur optischen

                                           Prüfung und Sichtkontrolle von

                                           Tabletten und Dragees mit Wendeband - weiter


                                           Operator based inspection machine for the

                                           inspection of cosmetical defects of tablets and

                                           coated tablets via double-belt system - more

WEKOA R1:                       Manuelle Systeme zur optischen Prüfung
                                          und Sichtkontrolle von Tabletten, Kapseln und

                                          Dragees - weiter


                                          Operator based inspection machine for the

                                          inspection of cosmetical defects of soft and

                                                                                        hard gelatine capsules, oblong products and

                                                                                        tablets via roller system - more

DEFEKTE / DEFECTS:        Zur Aussortierung solcher Defekte bei 
                                           Hart-Gelatine-Kapseln und Weich-Gelatine-
                                           Kapseln haben wir eine passende Lösung.
                                           Von namhaften Pharmahersteller bereits
                                           getestet und eingesetzt.
                                           Haben wir Sie neugierig gemacht?
                                           Dann sprechen Sie uns bitte an,
                                                                                         wir beraten Sie gerne
- weiter


                                                                                         For sorting out such defects in

                                                                                         hard-gelatin-capsules and

                                                                                         soft-gelatin-capsules, we have a suitable         

                                                                                         solution. From well-known

                                                                                         pharmaceutical manufacturers already

                                                                                         tested and used.
                                                                                         Did we make you curious?
                                                                                         Then contact us, we will advise you
- more